Thursday, December 22, 2022

Understanding Others

Since my last health challenge, taking care of myself has become a top priority. I made this decision so I can help my body to heal, get strong and stay healthy.  For me it meant making sacrifices for the good. Making adjustments to my current lifestyle was not easy, I had to take it one day at a time

 As you know unlearning certain habits that took years to develop and building good ones is a journey that takes, commitment, patience and discipline. But my Faith in God and my will to survivor gave me the strength I needed to adapt and take the necessary steps to make changes.


However, It can be challenging when you are around others (family and friends) that you know have health problems and they could do better at taking care of themselves. At times I find myself giving unwanted advice that is received with "I know, but" or "I am not as strong as you". 

For years, I use to assume that most people especially those that have health problems or have a history of certain medical problems in the family genetic pool would be more diligent about how they care for their bodies, but that is not the case. This mindset was puzzling to me and I couldn't understand why. 

God knows our thoughts and hears our prayers. He knows what we need when we need it. He gives us wisdom, knowledge and understanding. So, one morning during my devotional time, as I opened my book to read the daily chapter. This sentence was staring back at me "what is a priority to you, may not be a priority to others" As simple as this statement is, God used it to lead me on the path to understanding others.  

Trust in God with all your heart, and lean not on your understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. - Proverbs 3:5-6

Everyone of us is on a different path in life. Some of us have a full plate in front of us. More things to sort out and deal with while others don't. Everyone one of us is at a different level in our faith walk so we prioritize things based on our strengths and weakness to handle each one. God meets us and works with us right where we are, he gives us strength to face the things we are afraid of, he teaches us to trust and rely on him and uses these challenges to transform us into the person he made us to be. 

I didn't get to the level where I am today in my Faith overnight, It took me years of going through the dark valley with the Lord by my side. Learning, growing and building my relationship with Christ. 

I have learned not to judge or to try to understand when people make decisions about their life that make no sense to me. Everyone's journey is different, everyone's burdens are different.  The most important thing is they are satisfied in their heart that the decision they make is right for them and they are being lead by the spirit of God. 

"Through our faith, We all need to be convince in our hearts of what is right for us.  


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