Tuesday, January 4, 2022

What I Learned from Kidney Failure and Dialysis

Back in Feb 2019, my kidney's failed and I ended up on dialysis. This was not a surprise, I knew from my doctor visits that my kidney's were not doing good but leading up the failure of my kidney's was tough. I struggled with acceptance of this situation,  letting go and letting God take control. I was not at peace with this situation. I felt like I was walking in the dark. I had so many questions, concerns and so much fear. 

This situation dominated my life and my thoughts. I went back and forth with God asking why and how am I suppose to live a normal  life and provide for myself and my daughter being on dialysis. One day while at my lowest, my daughter said to me " Ma, let go of it and let God handle it, he is in control and everything will be ok". She also reminded me that he brought me through breast cancer and healed me back in 2004. 

After this conversation, I was instantly reminded of God's goodness and all the things he has done in my life. My faith instantly kicked in and I made up my mind to surrender, let go and trust God. 

He didn't fail me, he showed up and showed out. He met all my needs and more. He is my source for all things. He had a plan and it manifested right before my eyes.  I learned so much about myself,  God's power,  his faithful and his love for me. 

What I learned during this time:

Acceptance - Accepting of the challenges we are going through gives God the green light to jump in and take control and put his plan to work. When you resist and fight against what is coming, it will only keep you in a state of worry and fear. God doesn't want you to walk around trying to solve your problems on your own, living in fear, doubt and not at peace in your life. He is there to care for us and carry our burdens. 

Cast your care and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken 
Psalm 55:22

Trust God's Plan - God is faithful in all things and he has a plan for our life. Everything that we go through will work together for our good. Always remember how he has bought you through other challenging situation and you are here with a testimony (there is no testimony without a test).

Find The Positive - In all situations that we go through we have to find the positive side. While going through dialysis. I would always say to myself and others at least we get to go to dialysis for treatment that will help to sustain our life until we get an organ. Things could be a lot worse. 

Keep Your Thoughts and Words Positive - Our thoughts affect our attitude and our actions. I prayed a lot, read my bible and anything that was positive and uplifting. I stayed away from negative people. Didn't watch or read anything that would bring my spirits down. When my thoughts would drift to something negative, I would remind myself of the scripture below to take control of my thoughts and think of something that is happy and uplifting. I kept my mind on God at all times. Words have life and I spoke life into my situation. I saw myself with a new Kidney and I spoke as if my new Kidney is on its way and it sure was. 

On Nov 4, 2021, I received the call that I was waiting for. Five days after my birthday. I received the best birthday gift, my new Kidney. Trust God, he is faithful. If you are going through challenges trust that God has prepared the way and he will bring you through stronger, wiser and closer to him. 


We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ 2 Corinthians 10:5

He endured, as seeing him who is unseen. Hebrews 11:27


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