Friday, July 21, 2023

Back on the Job Market at 55 Plus

Well it's official, I am now a job seeker. After 4 years on sick leave from the work force. I went from being on dialysis, to transplant surgery, to healing, recovery, to embarking on a new chapter in my life. The power of God is amazing. 

I am excited and looking forward to the journey. I know a lot of things have changed since the last time I worked, which was back in 2019. However,  I am well prepared and up for the challenge. 

I am confident in knowing that God will open doors for me and place me right where I should be no doubt. 

Preparation for the Journey

Over the past 4 months I have been busy, revamped my entire resume, took some refresher Accounting and Excel courses and got certified in QuickBooks Online something that has been on my bucket list for a while.  All this in preparation to get back into the workforce. 

The Outfit

How is the weather out where everyone is?  I know in some parts of the US it is brutal but in NY we are getting our share of heat, humidity and rain storms. 

See, I love summer weather as long as the temperature doesn't go above 85 and it's not humid. So far this weather and I have a love hate relationship going on right now.  

However on those days when I have to go out,  I select what I am wearing carefully. I like to stay cool, comfortable and dry from all that heat and humidity.  I usually opt for loose fitting and comfortable clothing just like this outfit. 

It's lightweight, soft, loose fitting, breathable and comfortable with a drawstring waist and pockets. This is a win win for me. 



Monday, March 13, 2023

7 Ways to Have a Peaceful Day

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. As a member of one body, you are called to live in peace and always be thankful - Colossians 3:15

peaceful day

How we spend the first few hours of our morning will determine the kind of day we will have. 

Setting a morning routine will help you get prepared mentally, spiritually and physically to start your day and handle anything that comes your way throughout the day.  

We have the gift of peace in our heart through the spirit of Christ that lives in us. But we must take action to maintain that peace at all times. There is so much distraction in this world, that can take us out of our peaceful space.  We need to arm ourselves daily so we are able to deal with situations that arise and still maintain our peace.   

But the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

Monday, March 6, 2023

How I Manage My Acid Reflux

If you live with Acid Reflux like I do, and it has disrupted your life in so many ways. Causing you to lose sleep because your stomach is not settled and you need to stay up to avoid reflux.  You can no longer enjoy certain foods because it can trigger an attack of Acid Reflux and heart burn. The worst part about Acid Reflux is the heart burn and trying to figure out how to stop it and provide some relief and comfort to your burning chest and throat. 

Well if you are like me and need some tips and tricks just keep reading. 

Acid Reflux is a condition that can be managed through dietary changes and medication for some of us. The other option is surgery for those who prefer to go that route. Surgery is always a last option for me to consider if I have a choice in the matter. But, if I can manage through making some sort of change I am open to it. Plus dietary change is usually a good thing it benefits me in other ways. 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Understanding Others

Since my last health challenge, taking care of myself has become a top priority. I made this decision so I can help my body to heal, get strong and stay healthy.  For me it meant making sacrifices for the good. Making adjustments to my current lifestyle was not easy, I had to take it one day at a time

 As you know unlearning certain habits that took years to develop and building good ones is a journey that takes, commitment, patience and discipline. But my Faith in God and my will to survivor gave me the strength I needed to adapt and take the necessary steps to make changes.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

My Yearly Mammogram

Yesterday was my yearly Mammogram, 18 years ago God healed me from Breast Cancer. Every year since then I get a mammogram and an ultra sound. In the past, as the months went by and December approached it was not an easy time for me. As the time got closer, I could feel myself starting to slowly move from a place of peace and protection to worry, fear and negative thinking