Monday, March 13, 2023

7 Ways to Have a Peaceful Day

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. As a member of one body, you are called to live in peace and always be thankful - Colossians 3:15

peaceful day

How we spend the first few hours of our morning will determine the kind of day we will have. 

Setting a morning routine will help you get prepared mentally, spiritually and physically to start your day and handle anything that comes your way throughout the day.  

We have the gift of peace in our heart through the spirit of Christ that lives in us. But we must take action to maintain that peace at all times. There is so much distraction in this world, that can take us out of our peaceful space.  We need to arm ourselves daily so we are able to deal with situations that arise and still maintain our peace.   

But the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

Here are my tips to help you get started creating your peaceful day

1. Adequate sleep - Prepare the night before, and set a realistic bedtime hour.  Getting a good nights sleep will give you the energy to get out the bed in the morning.  Without adequate rest, you may wake up tired, sleepy,  with no energy and make excuses to roll over and go back to sleep.  

2. Time to Wake up - Depending on your schedule, give yourself enough time for selfcare in the morning. Waking up a little earlier will make such a difference, It gives you enough time to prepare for your day without rushing.

3. Quiet Time - Reaffirming your plans and goals for the day. Pray, meditate and daily devotion is a great way to clear your mind of any distraction,  align your thoughts with your purpose,  get a clear vision for the day and strengthen your faith. 

4. Fitness - I know working out is not everyone's favorite thing but get your body moving. You can stretch, go for a walk just do something that you enjoy that gets the blood flowing and the joints moving. 

5. Self-Awareness - Practice self awareness throughout the day. In order to stay in peace you should be aware of your thoughts, people you are around and certain environments that can trigger a negative effect in you. 

6. Watch your mouth - Get out of that mindset of always feeling like you need to speak your mind and tell people off. Be focused and check your intentions when you are about to speak. A wrong word or statement can stir up conflict. Think about what you are going to say before speaking. If it's going to cause a problem, then it shouldn't be said. There is nothing wrong with staying silent or walking away. 

A gentle word deflects anger but harsh words make tempers flare. Proverbs 15

7. Let Go and Let God - Don't stress over things that are beyond your control. Things will occur in our daily life that we just can't control no matter what we do. Remember that God is there to fight our battles, make the wrongs right. Say a quick prayer or an affirmation and move on. Learn to let something roll. 
For the battle is not yours but the Lords - 2 Chronicles 20:15

For the Lord your God is going with you! He will fight for you against your enemies, and he will give you victory!  - Deuteronomy 20:4 

Achieving peace in your life doesn't happen overnight. It's a constant work in progress. Being aware of your triggers and take action to develop yourself in the areas of your life that lacks discipline. Make striving for peace a priority in your life. 

What are some of your tips for maintaining a peaceful day? 




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